Using Facial Expressions for Personalised Gaming
Paris Mavromoustakos Blom, Sander Bakkes and Diederik Roijers
Teaching Mario. Demonstrating the Effectiveness of Human Guidance when q-learning
Roland Meertens
Enhancing operational work in maritime safety-and-security tasks
Steffen Michels, Marina Velikova, Bas Huijbrechts, Peter Novak, Jesper Hoeksma, Roeland Scheepens, Jan Laarhuis and Andre Bonhof
An Implementation for Distances between Labellings in Abstract Argumentation
Mikolaj Podlaszewski and Yining Wu
Interpreting EEG Signals using Artificial Intelligence
Felipe Gomez Marulanda, Ann Nowe, Yann-Michael De Hauwere and Peter Vrancx
Learning to Recognize Horn and Whistle Sounds for Humanoid Robots
Niels Backer and Arnoud Visser
The Detection Of Facial Expressions for Action Coordination
Tessa Beinema, Ron Dotsch and Franc Grootjen
Modeling and forecasting elections using topic models
Bas van Berkel
Using Neighbourhood-based Collaborative Filtering to Predict E-Learning Exercise Difficulty
Floris Devriendt, Ruben Lagatie, Maarten Devillé, Peter Vrancx and Ann Nowé
Studying Social Interactions using Swarm Robotics
Irme M. Groothuis and Bijan Ranjbar-Sahraei
Adaptive Learning Using the Exclusion Principle
Iris Monster, James M. McQueen and Peter Desain
Rotation invariant feature extraction in the classification of galaxy morphologies
Steven Reitsma
Broad-Band Visually Evoked Potentials: Towards Enhanced Speller BCIs
Jordy Thielen, Philip van den Broek, Jason Farquhar and Peter Desain
Finding Substitutions of Rare Earth Elements Using Publication Data
Kirill I. Tumanov
Traffic Flow Optimization using Reinforcement Learning
Erwin Walraven