Full papers (Type A)
- Marten Teitsma, Jacobijn Sandberg, Bob Wielinga and Guus Schreiber. Validating ontologies for question answering
- Martin Caminada and Nir Oren. Grounded Semantics and Infinitary Argumentation Frameworks
- Xin Sun, Zohreh Baniasadi and Shuwen Zhou. How do pessimistic agents save miners? A STIT based approach
- Richard Booth and Mikołaj Podlaszewski. Using Distances for Aggregation in Abstract Argumentation
- Samer Schaat and Dietmar Dietrich. Case-driven Agent-based Simulation: a Methodology for the Interdisciplinary Development and Evaluation of Cognitive Architectures
- Manuel Kauschinger and Kurt Driessens. Predicting Pseudo-Random Behaviour in Professional Sports
- Michael Barton and Jos Uiterwijk. Combining Combinatorial Game Theory with an alpha-beta Solver for Domineering
- Perry Groot, Markus Peters, Tom Heskes and Ketter Wolf. Fast Laplace Approximation for Gaussian Processes with a Tensor Product Kernel
- Bijan Ranjbar-Sahraei, Irme M. Groothuis, Karl Tuyls and Gerhard Weiss. Valuation of Cooperation and Defection in Small World Networks: A Behavioral Robotic Approach
- Niels Backer and Arnoud Visser. Learning to recognize horn and whistle sounds for humanoid robots
- Lesley Wevers and Steven Te Brinke. Monte-Carlo Tree Search for Poly-Y
- Sepideh Ghanavati and Marc van Zee. Capturing Evidence and Rationales with Requirements Engineering and Argumentation-Based Techniques
- Zhenglong Sun and Nico Roos. Dynamic Lateral Stability for an Energy Efficient Gait
- Bas Kooiker and Makiko Sadakata. esture Detection and Recognition by Repetition for Expressive Control
- Xin Sun and Huimin Dong. Stratied action negation, a logic about travel
- Florian Kunneman and Antal van Den Bosch. Event detection in Twitter: A machine-learning approach based on term pivoting
Compressed contributions (Type B)
- Rinke Hoekstra, Laurens Rietveld, Stefan Schlobach and Christophe Gueret. Structural Properties as Proxy for Semantic Relevance in RDF Graph Sampling
- Frederik Schadd and Nico Roos. Anchor-Profiles: Exploiting Profiles of Anchor Similarities for Ontology Mapping
- Patrick De Causmaecker and Stefan De Wannemacker. Decomposition of Intervals in the Space of Anti-Monotonic Functions
- Bart Kamphorst, Michel Klein and Arlette van Wissen. Autonomous E-Coaching in the Wild: Empirical Validation of a Model-Based Reasoning System
- Gleb Polevoy, Stojan Trajanovski and Mathijs de Weerdt . Nash Equilibria in Shared Effort Games
- Giuseppe Maggiore, Carlos Santos and Aske Plaat . Smarter smartphones: understanding and predicting user habits from GPS sensor data
- Zhisheng Huang, Frank Van Harmelen, Annette Ten Teije and Andre Dekker. Feasibility Estimation for Clinical Trials
- Catholijn Jonker, Joost Broekens and Aske Plaat. Virtual Reflexes
- Tibor Bosse and Simon Provoost. Towards Aggression De-escalation Training with Virtual Agents: A Computational Model
- Tim Brys, Ann Nowé, Daniel Kudenko and Matthew E. Taylor. Combining Multiple Correlated Reward and Shaping Signals by Measuring Confidence
- Bart Liefers, Felix N. Claessen, Eric Pauwels, Peter A.N. Bosman and Han La Poutré. Market Garden: a Simulation Environment for Research and User Experience in Smart Grids
- Bart Liefers, Jasper Hoogland and Han La Poutre. A Successful Broker Agent for Power TAC
- Ngoc Hoang Luong, Han La Poutré and Peter Bosman . Multi-objective Gene-pool Optimal Mixing Evolutionary Algorithms
- Krzysztof Sadowski, Dirk Thierens and Peter Bosman . Combining Model-Based EAs for Mixed-Integer Problems
- Ben Ruijl, Jos Vermaseren, Aske Plaat and H.Jaap Van den Herik. Combining Simulated Annealing and Monte Carlo Tree Search for Expression Simplification
- Sílvio Rodrigues, Pavol Bauer and Peter Bosman . A Novel Population-based Multi-Objective CMA-ES and the Impact of Different Constraint Handling Techniques
- Junchao Xu, Joost Broekens, Koen Hindriks and Mark Neerincx. Robot Mood is Contagious: Effects of Robot Body Language in the Imitation Game
- Elena Sokolova, Perry Groot, Tom Claassen and Tom Heskes. Causal discovery from databases with discrete and continuous variables
- Frits de Nijs, Mathijs de Weerdt and Matthijs Spaan. Efficient Heuristics for Power Constrained Planning of Thermostatically Controlled Loads
- Pietro Baroni, Guido Boella, Federico Cerutti, Massimiliano Giacomin, Leon van der Torre and Serena Villata . On the Input/Output behavior of argumentation frameworks
- Wouter Beek, Laurens Rietveld, Hamid Bazoobandi, Jan Wielemaker and Stefan Schlobach. LOD Laundromat: A Uniform Way of Publishing Other People’s Dirty Data
- Vahid Hashemi and Ulle Endriss. Measuring Diversity of Preferences in a Group
- Steven Adriaensen, Tim Brys and Ann Nowé. Fair-Share ILS: A Simple State of the Art Iterated Local Search Hyperheuristic.
- Emma Beauxis-Aussalet and Lynda Hardman. Simplifying the Visualization of Confusion Matrix
- Michel Wilson, Tomas Klos, Cees Witteveen and Bob Huisman. Flexibility and Decoupling in Simple Temporal Networks
- Dragan Doder and Stefan Woltran. Probabilistic Argumentation Frameworks – A Logical Approach
- Diederik Roijers, Joris Scharpff, Matthijs Spaan, Frans Oliehoek, Mathijs De Weerdt and Shimon Whiteson. Bounded Approximations for Linear Multi-Objective Planning under Uncertainty
Demos (Type C)
- Steffen Michels, Marina Velikova, Bas Huijbrechts, Peter Novak, Jesper Hoeksma, Roeland Scheepens, Jan Laarhuis and Andre Bonhof. Enhancing operational work in maritime safety-and-security tasks
- Paris Mavromoustakos Blom, Sander Bakkes and Diederik Roijers . Using Facial Expressions for Personalised Gaming
- Roland Meertens. Teaching Mario. Demonstrating the effectiveness of human guidance when q-learning
- Felipe Gomez Marulanda, Ann Nowe, Yann-Michael De Hauwere and Peter Vrancx. Interpreting eeg signals using Artificial Intelligence
- Mikolaj Podlaszewski and Yining Wu. An Implementation for Distances between Labellings in Abstract Argumentation
Thesis Abstracts (Type D)
To be announced later.